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What is bitget futures?

Bitget Futures - The world's leading crypto derivatives exchange. Create an account in under 30 seconds and start your crypto futures trading today!

How many trading pairs are available on bitget futures 24h?

Currently, there are 223 trading pairs available on the exchange. Bitget Futures 24h trading volume is reported to be at $2,794,378,062.87, a change of -19.97% in the last 24 hours, and the 24h open interest is $2,183,035,989.03, a change of -3.46% as compared to the previous day.

What is bitget & how does it work?

Officially recognised as a leader in the crypto derivatives market in terms of liquidity and global open interest, Bitget aims to lower both the entry barriers to crypto and the threshold to contract trading.

How do I open a new position for bitget USDT-m futures?

Interactive guides on opening a new position for Bitget USDT-Ⓜ Futures Submitted and processed orders will be shown in Open Orders. When they are successfully submitted, you can find them in Positions, where you can deliberately adjust the leverage or close the position when needed.

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